Wednesday, September 24

Heroes Season 3

Weeee! I can't believe this! My all-time favorite series is now on it's third season. Although there are still only two 3rd season episodes that are available for streaming, I don't really mind. All I want is to continue watching this really, and I mean REALLY, cool tv series. To those who are avid HEROES fans, let's continue to watch and wait for what happens next. To those who aren't familiar with it, I suggest that you start watching right now, I mean RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE! Go grab the nearest laptop or sit in front of the nearest pc and go to WATCHTVSITCOMS.COM/HEROES.PHP to watch all the episodes from Season 1 to 3. Well, I'd love to talk more about this wonderfully amazing (what?) series, but I'm afraid the video (Heroes Season 3 Episode 1) had just finished buffering, so I guess I'll just end this here. 'Till next we scribble, see you guys later.