Friday, October 17

Sillimanians at Their Worst

Nobody is safe, one could take your life just for the price of a beat-up old cellphone.

That is what I learned upon reading the recent entry on my teacher's blog. Apparently a fellow teacher had been receiving death threats just because that teacher always gives students an F or an INC. The sad part about it, I learned upon reading, is that the threats came from the parents. Is this what our society has become? Has crisis really gone through these parents heads that they are willing to resort to violence? And for what? Just so their sons or daughters could have a grade? Are these parents really that desperate? For one thing, if their sons or daughters don't perform well in school, well it's the fault of their stupid and moronic sons and daughters. Why blame it all on the teachers? Are these parents as stupid as their children? Their so-called excuse for hiring someone to supposedly kill the teacher was that it was much cheaper to pay an assassin than to pay the tuition fee. Well, tell that to my parents, who have been struggling hard as they can to pay for my education. I've had setbacks as a student, with grades that were more letters than numbers, but that didn't force my parents to act the way these parents acted. I believe that these people lack character, and that they are opportunistic dumb assess who are willing to hurt someone just to let their children pass. What they don't realize is that these acts don't help their children, but rather these acts ruin them. I mean, let's say the teacher decides to agree and give the students a high grade, the students pass, but did they really? As a student myself, I believe that one passes a subject if one was able to understand it completely and was able to comply with the requirements of that subject. From the looks of things, I'm confident in saying that these students don't even know squat. They're the ones that'll suffer in the long run, and that's what the parents fail to realize.

To think that this incident happened in my school is really saddening. Sillimanians pride themselves with being civilized and educated, but is this the behavior of a supposedly civilized and educated person? I know that ranting about this would definitely put me in a dangerous situation with these desperate parents, but when morality and the reputation of the school are at stake, I don't want to keep quiet and turn a blind eye.