Sunday, November 2

2 Weeks Until Sunday

This is the proposed title of the story that I'm currently working on, though it's not yet final. I've always wanted to write, ever since I was little I've have these really strange and interesting stories bottled up in my head, and sometimes I could stay up all night just thinking about these stories. Although I have already thought about "2 WEEKS UNTIL SUNDAY" and how the story will progress, I'm not sure if what I thought of earlier will eventually be included in the story, I mean as of now I already have so many revisions in the plot and the characters that I'm doubting if my original plan would actually push through.
Basically the story is about a couple (boyfriend-girlfriend) who, because of unavoidable circumstances have to separate for 2 whole weeks and without any communication. The story will tackle the lives of the couple and the people around them, how they will survive the 2 weeks and how those 14 days can shape the way they see life and their relationship as a whole.
As of the moment, I'm still trying to piece together a major story setting so that later I can weave in the minute details of the story, but basically all is ship-shape. I hope I can share to you Chapter I by the end of this month, and I would appreciate comments and suggestions from all of you. Thanks a bunch!
'Till next we scribble.