Sunday, December 21

New Banner

I decided to change the banner of my blog, along with the blog title, coz I realized (it took me that long) that my banner had a certain hint of arogance to it. The phrase "stupidity is not tolerated here" is somewhat cruel and kind of portrays me as conceited and very sure that I am not stupid, when in fact I am. It's rather true for most of us, there are times when we say or do stupid things, but because of our conceit and self pride, we don't really accept that the things we do are stupid. The reason why I chose the phrase "Life, Less Serious" is because I wanna loosen up for a change. Try to be more optimistic and not anxious or skeptical. I think that's what all of us need today, to just enjoy life and live it to the fullest. Not that serious, but not that slacky as well.